Community Nutrition: A Handbook for Health and Development Workers

A new book 'Community Nutrition: A Handbook for Health and Development Workers' has just been completed. It is targeted at health and other development professionals who work at community and district levels, as well as for teachers and students of nutrition. It is written in an easy to read style and has many illustrations.
The book covers nutrients and foods, feeding the family and the causes, diagnosis and control of malnutrition through the life cycle. It deals with undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies and pays particular attention to the emerging challenge of chronic conditions (such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases) and to the links between nutrition and HIV. The book gives guidance on programme implementation and on changing behaviour through better communication. There are appendices on energy and nutrients needs, sources of nutrients, food composition tables and anthropometric measurements. Because nutrition is a fast - changing topic, there is a list of recent materials and other sources of information.
The book was edited by Ann Burgess, Marlou Bijlsma and Carina Ismael with contributions from other nutritionists working both in and outside Africa.
It is available from Macmillan Education, email: at UK price £8.30 and from Teaching-aids At Low Cost (TALC) or at UK£5.50 plus delivery. You can also buy it from the African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF). For more details contact the AMREF bookshop at PO Box 30125-00100, Nairobi, Kenya or
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