FANTA2 produces CMAM Costing Tool (2011)

The CMAM Costing Tool (CMAM Costing Tool Workbook) is a Microsoft Excelbased application that estimates the costs of implementing CMAM at the national, subnational, and district levels. The Costing Tool calculates the inputs and financial resources required to establish, maintain, or expand CMAM services. This information helps managers determine whether their plans for CMAM are financially feasible, identify the resources needed, and formulate an effective implementation plan. The Costing Tool can also support the promotion and management of CMAM services. Government or NGO stakeholders in a country or region where acute malnutrition is prevalent can use the CMAM Costing Tool to plan for implementation of specific CMAM components and forecast the resources required.
Costing Tool users enter a modest amount of key country-specific data, such as statistics on malnutrition, distances between key administration facilities, and prices of goods. The Costing Tool automatically processes these and other data that are preloaded in the Costing Tool to calculate resource requirements and costs of implementing CMAM for a geographic region and time specified by the user.
Accompanying the CMAM Costing Tool Workbook are three additional files: a User's Guide, a case study workbook and a completed exercise. The User's Guide explains the scope and limitations of the Tool, outlines how the different worksheets are related, identifies which worksheets and cells require data from the user and explains how to obtain the data to be entered, describes the assumptions underlying the calculations, provides guidance on how to interpret the results, and includes a sample exercise to give the user a guided opportunity to practice using the CMAM Costing Tool with actual data for one district. The Case Study provides an opportunity to view a completed CMAM Costing Tool Workbook using data from an actual situation. The corrected exercise allows the user to see how the User's Guide exercise should have been completed.
Note that this version of the CMAM Costing Tool (February 2011) is limited to dealing with the management of severe acute malnutrition. Download the files at:
The Excel workbooks were created with Microsoft Excel 2007. To open the files in earlier versions of Excel, please visit the Microsoft website to download the Compatibility Pack at
Support for the costing tool was provided by USAID's Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance's Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and Bureau for Global Health's Office of Health, Infectious Diseases, and Nutrition.
FANTA2 welcome comments and suggestions to improve on the tool. Please send your comments to
Imported from FEX website