Integration of IYCF into CMAM – new training content

A training content 'Integration of IYCF (infant and young child feeding) support into CMAM (community based managment of acute malnutrition)' is now available.
The materials have been developed by the Nutrition, Policy Practice Group on behalf of the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), in consultation with IFE Core Group members and collaborators and funded by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Nutrition Cluster.
The materials were piloted in Sierra Leone (with UNICEF and Valid International), and in Zimbabwe (in collaboration with Save the Children and UNICEF).
The purpose of the material is to train health care personnel and community health workers in the integration of recommended IYCF practices within CMAM, to support mothers/caregivers in prevention as well as rehabilitation of severe acute malnutrition (SAM).
The Facilitator's Guide is designed for health care providers who manage or supervise the management of SAM in children. It will also be useful for government officials in the Ministry of Health (MOH) and at the district level, health programme managers and technical staff of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and United Nations (UN) agencies.
The Facilitator's Guide is divided into 3 Modules:
Module I: Community Assessment of IYCF practices (2 hours combined with CMAM Community Outreach Module). Module I is a pre-training activity conducted within communities that will participate in CMAM programming.
Module II: Two-day IYCF course for CMAM. This 2-day IYCF course contains an instructional plan and an outline followed by 10 sessions.
Module III: IYCF Field Practice (2 hours combined with CMAM Field Practice)
The material comprises Facilitator's Guide and Handouts, in both US and UK print ready versions. It is available from the ENN on CD or to download from the ENN website (
Contact: ENN, 32, Leopold Street, Oxford, OX4 1TW, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1865 324996, email:
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