New ENN Technical Director appointed

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Carmel Dolan as a third Technical Director to the ENN. Carmel has over 25 years experience working in both emergencies and development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Her early field-based experiences were in the mid 1980s running selective feeding programmes during the emergencies in Sudan and Ethiopia. This was followed by 7 years working with DFID in Tanzania on a multi-sectoral health and nutrition programme. Carmel is a long standing partner in the consultancy partnership, NutritionWorks, formed in 1999. In this capacity she has worked on programming reviews/evaluations, policy and strategy development with large agencies and governments, operational research, thematic reviews and capacity development. She has spent two years as co-chair of the IASC Global Nutrition Cluster Capacity Development Working Group and more recently, as the Global Nutrition Cluster Coordinator.
Carmel brings a wealth of experience in emergency and development programming, capacity development approaches, evidence based strategic focus and coordination and communication skills. We look forward to this new phase of consolidation and development in the ENN that her arrival marks.
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