Update on Sphere Project Revision

A revision of the Sphere Project handbook is ongoing. The revision of the Nutrition Minimum Standards (Chapter 3) is funded by the IASC Global Nutrition Cluster and led by Save the Children UK. The review is striving to be a broad based consultative process reaching as wide a group as possible.
A core working group has been established of 22 people representative of key practitioners and researchers in technical areas relevant to the nutrition components such as infant and young child feeding, HIV, and management of acute (moderate and severe) malnutrition. The group is also representative of UN agencies, NGOs, academic institutions, donors and independents.
Following initial chapter analysis in January 2009, subsequent core working group consultation and a revision preparation report, a wide consultation process was launched in May 2009. Launch emails were sent through networks such as the Global Nutrition Cluster, the MAMI initiative and the ENN, to invite participation in the revision through facilitating meetings. As a result, consultations have been conducted in Afghanistan and Somalia and feedback forthcoming from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, The Philippines and the Asia Pacific regional network for nutrition in emergencies. Regional meetings have taken place in Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, and Delhi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, all in coordination with the food aid and food security focal points.
In addition to formal feedback through consultation, there has been a feedback process directly through the Sphere website. Sphere have also organised meetings globally. Feedback have been compiled and presented in October to a 2 day meeting of the core working group for review. The process is open to wider feedback until the beginning of December. Online discussions have also been launched on en-net (www.en-net.org.uk) and FSN network (www.iofc.org).
A first draft of the revised chapter is due in January 2009, and a final version by March 2010.
For more information, contact Susan Thurstans, email: S.Thurstans@savethechildren.uk
Imported from FEX website