Updated Nutriset ‘red scoop’ instructions for mixing F75 and F100

Nutriset's F-75 and F-100 therapeutic milks come in sachets of, respectively, 410 g and 456 g. For both products, the full content of one sachet must be mixed with 2 litres of boiled/potable water to obtain 2.4 litres of therapeutic milk.
However, in 2004, Nutriset began including a red measuring scoop with its therapeutic milks in response to field requests for instructions for preparing smaller quantities of therapeutic milk. Specific volumes of water were then recommended for one scoop of F-75 or F-100 powder.
These recommendations were refined in 2008, taking into account some adjustments in the density of F75 and F100 milks. Instructions in the leaflet included in cardboard boxes of F-75 or F-100 sachets were modified accordingly. These updated instructions replace the ones that appear in the 2004 ENN news article "New Measuring Scoops for F75 Therapeutic Milk"1. The 2004 instructions should no longer be used.
The correct dosage for smaller quantities of therapeutic milk using Nutriset's red scoops* is now:
F-100: 1 level Nutriset red scoop with 14 ml of water
F-75: 1 level Nutriset red scoop with 18 ml of water
* These instructions apply only to the red scoops provided by Nutriset (featuring Nutriset's logo on the handle).
Note that several factors can impact the density of milk powders (variations in the way the scoop is used, storage conditions, etc). This is why the preferred and most accurate mixing instructions recommended by Nutriset are for full sachets, and remain unchanged for both F-75 and F-100: 1 sachet + 2 litres of boiled/potable water = 2.4 litres of therapeutic milk.
At the request of its humanitarian partners, to ease the preparation of smaller quantities without risks of incorrect dosage, Nutriset is currently developing smaller-size sachets.
For any further questions please contact the Nutriset Quality Director Mathilde Bridier, email: mbridier@nutriset.fr
1New Measuring Scoops for F75 Therapeutic Milk. Field Exchange, Issue No 22, July 2004. p16. http://fex.ennonline.net/22/measuring.aspx
Imported from FEX website