This edition features a range of articles that describe programming experiences for these vulnerable groups, research articles, summaries and snapshots showcasing relevant research projects, report summaries of relevant key reports and guidelines, news pieces with the latest developments in this subsector of nutrition and finally views pieces from key experts working with these demographics.
Improving the nutritional status of adolescents and school-aged children is a topic that ENN is passionate about and we’ve been slowly building information and evidence over the past few years.
We’re therefore very excited about this opportunity to disseminate the latest research and showcase interesting initiatives. It has been particularly interesting to have engaged with so many authors and practitioners for this edition on what is happening to manage all forms of malnutrition in this age group, the many challenges that exist and what the priorities are moving forward.

Special section

Case Study 1: Assessing effectiveness of an interactive magazine aimed at influencing nutrition behaviours among school-attending adolescents in Timor-Leste

Case Study 3: Improving eating habits in India: The Eat Right School programme

Case Study 2: Pacific Kids Food Revolution (PKFR): The innovative way teenagers are leading the way in the Pacific Islands to improve nutrition

Case Study 4: Digital solutions developed by youth to drive social behaviour change for nutrition in Zimbabwe
Original articles

Vida Saludable: integración de los hábitos saludables en el plan de estudios en México

Diet and nutrition status among school-age children and adolescents in Tanzania

Determinants of adolescent nutritional status and practices in Burkina Faso: A pooled secondary analysis

Risk of nutritional deficiencies increases during female adolescence – a comparison of the cost of a nutritious diet across sex and age

Use of media to engage school-age children and adolescents to improve their nutrition and health

‘Vida Saludable’: Healthy living is on the school curriculum in Mexico

Weekly iron and folic acid supplementation and nutrition education for adolescent girls in Africa and Asia

Adolescent Girl Power Groups in Bangladesh: Placing gender equality at the centre of nutrition interventions

Improving the nutritional well-being of school-age children through the Nutrition-Friendly Schools Initiative (NFSI) in the State of Palestine

“I’m courageous”: a social entrepreneurship programme promoting a healthy diet in young Indonesian people

An integrated multi-sector approach to improve the nutritional status among school-age children and adolescents in Malawi

Preventing teen pregnancies and supporting pregnant teenagers in Ecuador

Experiences from implementation of a school-based nutrition programme in Wakiso District, Central Uganda.

Improving adolescents’ food choices: Learnings from the Bhalo Khabo Bhalo Thakbo (“Eat Well, Live Well”) campaign in Bangladesh

Promoting youth leadership on nutrition through junior parliamentarians and junior council engagement in Zimbabwe
News & Views

Non-nutrition interventions to prevent anaemia in school-age children and adolescents

25 years of Field Exchange: has it made a difference?

Systems approach to prevent all forms of malnutrition among children 5-19 years

MMS on Essential Medicine List

Expanding youth engagement in health research: The Lancet Youth Advisory Panel

Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia Course

Global launch: ‘Making Every School a Health Promoting School’ initiative

Research consortium for school health and nutrition: Launch

The importance of school feeding programmes to support the nutrition of school-age children, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic

What’s new for adolescent nutrition in the DHS Program

The “Adolescent Nutrition Resource Bank”: Practical resources for improving adolescent nutrition programmes

Conducting formative research on adolescent nutrition: key considerations
Research snapshots

The triple burden of malnutrition among adolescents in Indonesia

Family influences on practices of pregnant adolescents in Bangladesh

Intergenerational nutrition benefits of India’s national school feeding programme

Determinates of dietary intake among adolescents in Bangladesh

Addressing Knowledge Gaps in Adolescent Nutrition

Food systems for children and adolescents

Dietary intake and practices of adolescent girls in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review

COVID-19 pandemic impacts on adolescents’ lives in sub-Saharan Africa

Capturing nutrition data for school-age children and adolescents

Current evidence on anaemia and micronutrient supplementation strategies in school-age children and adolescents

Anthropometric assessment of nutritional status in school-aged children and adolescents

TALENT Collaboration: Exploring adolescent diet and physical activity in India and sub-Saharan Africa.
Report summaries

UNICEF programming guidance: Nutrition in middle childhood and adolescence

Nutrition and health challenges for Rohingya and Bangladeshi adolescents and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic

Investing in the now and the future: Why governments should commit to adolescent health and nutrition

When Are We Going to Teach Health?

New UNICEF resource: Programming Guidance for Parenting of Adolescents

Scoping review on school food and nutrition policies

Early is best but it is not always too late. Young Lives evidence on nutrition and growth in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam

People-driven SBC in Practice Combating Stunting in Indonesia

Fix my food: children’s views on transforming food systems