The Wasting and Stunting Technical Interest Group Phase 5 workplan (2023- 2025)
Publication details
In 2023, the WaSt TIG enters its 9th year of work with much evidence generated since the original impetus for the creation of the group, which was to explore the separation between wasting and stunting in programmes, policy and research and question whether this is empirically justified. To date, the group has focused on understanding the physiological, biological and epidemiological relationships between these two forms of undernutrition and has centred its work around three objectives:
- To continue to generate evidence to increase the understanding of the relationship between wasting and stunting and what this tells us about their aetiology, consequences, treatment and prevention.
- To translate the implications of the evidence for policies and programmes to better meet the needs of national and global actors.
- To further influence the research agendas of donors, academia and implementation research-focused agencies.
In June 2022, members of the WaSt TIG convened for a series of meetings to take stock of the work so far, explore the continued relevance of the WaSt TIG and it’s objectives. Members felt that there was still a need for the WaSt TIG and that there were still some evidence gaps to fill, but that an increased focus on translating our findings for programme and policy relevance, particularly for country and regional practitioners and policy makers through closer engagement was needed. Three separate meetings focused on priorities under each of the objectives including discussion of natural evolutions from the work so far. These ideas were further articulated and then prioritised by the group via a survey prior to the development of this workplan which reflects those prioritisation results. We have grouped our priority activities into three broad themes; further understanding risk and related implications for treatment models, deepening our understanding of the drivers of wasting and stunting to inform prevention strategies and, broadening our reach.