Nestlé and the Code


A former employee of Nestle has publicised internal company documents that he says provide evidence that the company has breached the international code on marketing breast milk substitutes. The documents are reproduced in a report published by an NGO which campaigns for the "rational use of medication in Pakistan". The report highlights Nestle's donation of gifts to doctors as a reward for promoting its products, a practice outlawed by the code. Other alleged violations include direct marketing of products to mothers and the provision of free supplies of breast milk substitutes.

Mr Francois-Xavier Perroud, vice president of Nestle, denied allegations of mal-practices stating that "As anywhere in the world, Nestles marketing of breast milk substitutes in Pakistan is in line with the WHO code and if errors occur then they are promptly corrected"

BMJ Volume 320, 19th February 2000, pp 468

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