Infant feeding in emergencies: new resources


Operational guidance for Emergency Relief Staff and Policy-Makers

During an interagency meeting held in November 1999 on infant and young child feeding in emergencies, a need for interagency consensus on operational guidance was highlighted. While a number of specific technical documents already exist (e.g. WHO, Linkages, Sphere Guidelines), there was an obvious gap in practical guidance that can be used by both policymakers and relief staff.

In order to address this, the interagency working group on Infant Feeding in Emergencies has prepared a document entitled 'Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies: Operational guidance for Emergency Relief Staff and Policy- Makers' ( The document is concise, practical and provides a list of reference material including websites for further information. Multi-agency support for the document will strengthen its effectiveness. Indications of support for the document have therefore been asked for by September 30th 2001 by which time the document will be finalised. To date, the document has the provisional support pending final revisions of: Action Against Hunger/Action Contre la Faim, Department for International Development (DfID), Emergency Nutrition Network, Fondation Terre des Hommes (Suisse), GIFA, GOAL, Institute of Child Health, LINKAGES, MSF Holland, Oxfam GB, Save the Children UK, Save the Children US, TearFund, UNHCR, UNICEF, WHO.

Training Modules for Infant feeding in Emergencies

Training modules on 'Infant Feeding in Emergencies' have also recently been compiled. The purpose of these materials is to prepare emergency relief staff to support appropriate infant feeding and to describe the process of applying operational guidance. This work is the product of collaboration between WHO, UNICEF, LINKAGES, IBFAN, ENN and further contributors.

The training materials are divided into two modules.

  • Module One is based on advocacy and orientation, aimed at decision makers, all field staff and national health staff. Core materials for this module are designed for one-hour training orientations. Additional optional materials are available if required. The full set of materials includes presenter's notes, overheads and copies of the manual for each participant.
  • Module Two is targeted to health and nutrition staff. This module aims to increase technical knowledge and practical skills of health workers. The module is developed for use in a variety of environments and provides materials for approximately four hours of training. Ideally presenters need to have expertise in both emergencies and in breastfeeding.

The materials for Module One are now available for download on Feedback is requested from all users before the finalisation of the pack. Module Two has yet to be finalised, but should be disseminated by the end of 2001.

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