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People in Aid (issue 17)



Participants at a seminar on Afghanistan in Oslo prior to Norway's appointment as chair to the ASG in January 2002. Mr. Peter Goossens (Deputy Country Director, World Food Program Afghanistan) and Ms. Christine van Nieuwenhuyse (Senior Policy Analyst, World Food Programme, Rome).

Mr. Aslak Brun (Assistant Director-General, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UN Section), Ms. Rannveig Fjaer Bremer (M.D./Pediatrician, HQ Defense Command Norway Medical Branch, Office for Disaster Preparedness), Ms.Wenche Barth Eide (Associate Professor, IPRFD/Institute for Nutrition Research at University of Oslo) and Mr. Erling Kvernevik (Relief Coordinator/Nutritionist, Norwegian Red Cross).

Elham Monsef, Annie Lloyd and Marion O'Reilly; participants at a Sphere Training workshop held in APSO, Dublin.

Clockwise around the table from bottom left: Kifu Lemma, Benoit Raymakers, Wondwesson Tsegani, Helen Young, Aregawi Hagos, Malaku Ayalew, Azakilt G.Yohanies and Landuber Araya.

Wondwesson Delelegne, Yosef G. Hiwot, Kinoss Tefera and Tedros Aghegn; participants at Sphere revision workshops.

Elodi Marchand and Eric Ouannes (MSF) in Afghanistan.

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People in Aid

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