Micro-nutrient Fortification of Food for Displaced Populations in Africa


On-going Research Project

High levels of micro-nutrient deficiency have often been seen in populations displaced by famine, war and natural disasters. In these circumstances people often have to eat a restricted diet. This has all too frequently led to conditions like Vitamin A deficiency, scurvy, beri-beri and pellagra. In response to this problem, the Refugee Policy Group (RPG) in co-operation with the Micronutrients Initiative (MI) of Canada is conducting a research project to identify best methods of fortifying refugee diets with micro-nutrients in sub-Saharan Africa.

The aims of the RPG project were to look at the feasibility of using different techniques for in-country fortification of donated grains. Field research was to be carried out in eastern, western and southern Africa. The types of equipment used, milling practices followed, and windows of opportunity for adding micro-nutrients at household, camp, country and regional levels will be documented. The final report will then set out and compare the various advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to fortifying and enriching relief rations. The report will conclude by making recommendations for future fortification initiatives within sub-Saharan Africa.

For further details contact; Steven Hansch, Refugee Policy Group, 1424 16th St, NW, Suite 401, Washington DC 20036. Tel No. 202 387 3015 Fax No. 202 667 5034 E-Mail RefugeePG@worldnet.att.net

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