The Relief and Rehabilitation Network


The Relief and Rehabilitation Network (RRN), based at the Overseas Development Institute in London, was conceived in 1992 and launched in 1994 to offer relevant, practical information in context and to contribute to individual and institutional learning in the field of humanitarian assistance. The need for a mechanism for the exchange of professional information in the expanding field of humanitarian aid was identified in the course of research undertaken by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) on the changing role of NGOs in relief and rehabilitation operations and was developed in consultation with other Networks operated within ODI.

Since April 1994, the RRN has produced publications in three different formats, in both French and English: Good Practice Reviews, Network Papers and Newsletters. The Network is now in its second three-year phase (1996-1999), supported by four new donors - DANIDA, ECHO, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland and the Department for International Development, UK. Over the three year phase, the RRN's aim is to expand its reach and relevance amongst humanitarian agency personnel and to further promote good practice.

RRN Membership

Composed of several hundred members from over 150 organisations based in more than 60 countries world-wide, the RRN includes personnel from donor, government, UN, NGO, Red Cross Movement, media and research organisations as well as independent consultants. Field-based practitioners are particularly encouraged to join, as it is often this level that experiences the most difficulty in accessing specialist information and in participating in professional information exchange. In addition to the small team based in London, the RRN works with two part-time regional representatives based in West Africa (Philippa Atkinson) and the Great Lakes and Horn regions (Philip Winter). Their role is to facilitate the dissemination of RRN publications and act as a 'pipeline' for information on regional initiatives to the RRN team.

How to contribute

Your experiences and lessons learned in humanitarian assistance programmes may be of relevance and interest to a wider audience.

While it is not possible to publish all material received, if you are interested in contributing a Newsletter article or Network Paper on a particular issue, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are also interested in receiving information and contact details of conferences/training programmes/publications which we can usefully publicise in our Newsletter.

For any further information, please contact the RRN at:
RRN Co-ordinator, Relief and Rehabilitation Network, ODI, Portland House, Stag Place, London SW1E 5DP Tel: + 44 (0)171 393 1674/47 fax: + 44 (0)171 393 1699 e-mail:
You can also contact the RRN via the website at

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