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Renewed Call to Share Knowledge on Community Driven Initiatives


At the IFPRI conference on HIV/AIDS and Food and Nutrition security in Durban in April 2005, preliminary work was presented on capturing and documenting community driven initiatives (CDI), and was well received by those attending. Building on an initial call for a web-based living inventory, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) have renewed an invitation to stakeholders to become involved and share their knowledge on community driven initiatives. Based on the response, FAO will decide if there is sufficient interest to continue this effort.

In responding, the type of information to include is:

  • Where is the Community Driven Initiative (CDI) taking place?
  • Describe the CDI What was the trigger for the CDI?
  • Who is participating or driving the response (specific groups, NGOs, CBOs, churches etc)
  • Are there specific target groups or people involved?
  • If possible, indicate how may people or households are covered under the initiative.
  • When did the CDI start?
  • What are the enabling factors that have helped the CDI succeed?
  • What are the constraining factors that have hindered the CDI?

Feedback should be sent to Josee Koch, FAO RIACSO Johannesburg, HIV/AIDS and Food Security programme officer. Tel: +27-11-5171670, Cell: +27-83-2910720, Email: Josee.Koch@fao.org

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