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Public Health in Complex Emergencies training


The next Public Health in Complex Emergencies training will take place in Bangkok, August 11-23 2008 and in Uganda, November 3-15 2008.

This course is designed for NGO, INGO, UN and Ministry of Health staff working in humanitarian assistance programmes providing health and health-related services. Sectors covered include nutrition, epidemiology, reproductive health, psychosocial issues and coordination.

For more information on courses and for details regarding online applications, check the PHCE website: http://phcetraining.org

Contacts for specific trainings are: Bangkok: Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Thailand. Tel: (66-2) 516 5900 ext 351, Fax: (66-2) 524 5360 524 5350, email: janette@adpc.net Website: http://www.adpc.net (click Trainings and Workshops)

Uganda: Makerere University School of Public Health Tel: (256-41) 543872, (256-41) 263158/9 Fax: (256-41) 531807, email: P_nalubega@yahoo.co.uk Website: http://www.musph.ac.ug (click Upcoming Events)

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