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Food Security Concepts and Frameworks: new e-learning course


An e-learning course 'Food Security Concepts and Frameworks' is now available, part of a series of food security e-learning courses developed by the EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme.

The e-learning course introduces the concepts and tools used in food security analysis. It also provides practical guidelines on using conceptual frameworks for analysing food security. Resources for trainers include powerpoint slides, learners' and trainers' notes, and classroom exercises, which can be adapted by institutions to suit their own training needs.

The target audiences are:

  • Mid-level managers, technical staff, field personnel who are involved in the collection, management, analysis, and reporting of food security information.
  • Planners, policy formulators and programme managers who are involved in monitoring progress in poverty reduction, and meeting food security goals and targets.

The course is available in English, free of charge on-line and on CD-Rom. A French version of the course is forthcoming.

The course is available at http://www.foodsec.org/DL/dlintro_en.asp

To download the resources for trainers, go to: http://www.foodsec.org/tr_res_08.htm

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