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ALNAP urban resources


In July 2013, ALNAP launched the Urban Response Community of Practice (CoP). The CoP is a place to share learning, ask questions, spread the word about new initiatives, highlight new documents and events, and identify others working on or in urban humanitarian response. The CoP already has over 115 members from over 33 countries across the globe and more join every day. As the CoP grows, it will be a place to identify new webinar topics, as well as be an ongoing forum to keep discussion moving forward. It aims to provide a platform to be used by anybody working in or on urban environments. Everyone is welcome to join (see link below) and share their thoughts, experiences, questions and projects.

Complementing the CoP, the Urban Humanitarian Response Portal contains almost 1400 resources, from guidelines to evaluations, on a wide range of topics including cash programming in urban areas, targeting and assessment, conflict and violence, food aid and nutrition. The Portal welcomes submissions of relevant documents and also hosts a webinar series. Upcoming topics for 2013 include lessons working in urban violence, how urban planners and those involved in humanitarian responses can work together, cash and voucher programming in urban areas, and how World Vision has changed urban policy and urban practice.

Finally, urban publications by ALNAP includes a lessons paper for working in urban response in 2012 and a second lessons paper on urban violence due out in October 2013. Both are found at http://www.alnap.org/ourwork/urban.aspx

For more information, contact: Leah Campbell, Research and Programme Assistant, l.campbell@alnap.org, www.alnap.org

Urban Response Community of Practice: https://partnerplatform.org/urban-response/

Urban Humanitarian Response Portal: http://www.urban-response.org/

Urban Humanitarian Response Portal webinair series: http://www.alnap.org/ourwork/urban/webinars.aspx

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