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Urban refugees debate forum


The urban refugees debate forum is an independent forum for practitioners,
policy makers, researchers, urban refugees and the internally displaced themselves,
as well as the public at large, to debate key issues, share information and
disseminate new ideas. Urban refugees and IDPs throughout the world are especially
encouraged to participate in these debates and to raise issues of concern.

Two main categories of issues are debated on this debate forum:

  • Thematic issues that raise in depth questions related to urban
  • Topical issues that provide an immediate
    reactions to the latest news

Debates are launched by contributors. Once a debate is launched, any individual
can participate. You do not need to be registered to leave comments.
However, comments will be moderated prior to their publication. A summary
of a recent debate ("Why do we still have refugee camps?") is included in this
edition of Field Exchange.

The debate forum is operated by the organisation Urban Refugees, whose
mission is to advance the rights of urban refugees and IDPs worldwide.
Interested debate contributors should contact: debate@urban-refugees.org

Visit the debate forum at: www.urban-refugees.org

Imported from FEX website


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