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SUN in practice: Contribution of agriculture and social protection to improving nutrition


A series of themed briefings – entitled Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) in Practice – have been produced by the SUN Movement Secretariat since 2014. 

These present the scale up experiences of SUN country governments, and other national stakeholders.

A fourth briefing has been produced that focuses on how agriculture, food systems and social protection schemes are contributing and can better contribute to scaling up nutrition in SUN countries.

Representatives from six SUN countries – Burundi, Lao PDR, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal and Yemen - have shared their accounts of how food, agriculture and social protection stakeholders have engaged in nutrition coordination activities to achieve nutritional outcomes.


Key challenges have been identified in each of the country articles.

These, together with extensive information drawn from teleconference calls with SUN Government Focal Points and their teams, form the basis of the reflections in the concluding remarks by Tom Arnold, SUN Movement Coordinator, ad interim.


This and earlier briefs are available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian here. 



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