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Issue 6 of Nutrition Exchange now available


The sixth edition of ENN’s publication, Nutrition Exchange, is now available in English, with French, Arabic and Spanish editions coming soon. Nutrition Exchange contains short, easy to-read articles on nutrition programme experiences and learning, from countries with a high burden of malnutrition and those that are prone to crisis. It also summarises research and provides information on guidance, tools and upcoming trainings in nutrition and related sectors.

Issue 6 features 13 articles, most of which are written by national actors. There is a focus on learning and experiences from the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, including interviews with key SUN Movement actors in Somalia and Kenya, as well as articles from Niger, Democratic Republic of Congo and Chad highlighting the practical challenges at the national level with the prevention and treatment of wasting. An article from the Americas, highlights how the Latin America and Caribbean Nutrition Clusters are working together and using a tool for the standardised definition and monitoring of regional and national nutrition preparedness and response capacity in a context with recurring natural disasters.

Content is being sought for Issues 7 and 8 (due out in early and mid 2017) on nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programming, governance, coordination and financing.  Articles written by national and sub-national actors are prioritised for publication and editing support is provided.

Please contact Carmel Dolan, Nutrition Exchange Editor. 

Issue 6 (and previous editions) are available online.


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