Humanitarian Assistance in Sudan in 1998


Published paper

This study attempts to provide some analysis of the 1998 crisis in Sudan and the response mounted. It attempts to capture emergency humanitarian activities, famine assessment indicators used by agencies and the co-ordination of the response.

The author describes this crisis as one of the worst ever experienced by the Sudanese people and one of the worst to be responded to by OLS in a climate of severe financial constraints. Agencies interviewed as part of the study highlighted lack of effective leadership, co-ordination and analysis, slow response, poor preparation and lack of strategic approaches to co-working as major flaws to be corrected as a matter of urgency. Donor involvement was described also as 'donor disengagement' at the beginning of the crisisand lack of commitment to addressing the constraints facing implementing agencies to reduce the severe effects on the population were mentioned. The author recommended a more thorough analysis of the issues underlying the poor response should be conducted within the OLS and non-OLS agencies. She also asserts that the failure of the United Nations to encourage an effective peace and conflict resolution with rebels and GoS plays a large role in the genesis of the crisis and should be addressed separately.

Ref: Humanitarian Assistance in Sudan in 1998, Una Macaskill. SWP-CPN Analysis and Evaluation Paper (AEP)I/VII, January 1999. Will be available shortly Through Tanja Schumer: email

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