Workshop Announcement: Enhancing Nutritional Quality of Relief Foods


An international workshop will be held in April, in Washington DC, to discuss recent research and practice related to improvement in the nutritional value of ration foods given in humanitarian aid programs including emergencies, refugee/IDP camps, and transition situations. The core participants will be NGO staff responsible for food aid programs, with the workshop focusing on exchanging experiences of fortifying and improving ration quality. There will also be discussions about potential future field research to test new technologies for fortifying foods.

The workshop is being organized by Food Aid Management, the Congressional Hunger Centre, the American Red Cross, Sustain, The Micronutrient Initiative of Canada and USAID

The organizers welcome papers, data, perspectives, or questions which may be added to the agenda.

For more information, or to send suggestions/papers, etc. please contact any of the following:

Congressional Hunger Centre --
Food Aid Management --
FMA --

Imported from FEX website


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