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HTP v 2 Glossary

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Chloe Angood
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The Harmonised Training Package (HTP) is a primarily a resource for trainers in the Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE) sector and it can be used by individuals to increase their technical knowledge of the sector. It is designed to provide trainers from any implementing agency or academic institution with information from which to design and implement a training course according to the specific needs of the target audience, the length of time available for training and according to the training objectives. It can be used as stand-alone modules or as combined modules depending on the training needs. 

This document is the glossary that accompanies the HTP.

Click here for more information about the HTP and to access the 23 modules.


Front cover of training document titled, "The Harmonised Training Package (HTP): Resource Material for Training on Nutrition in Emergencies Glossary of Terms	used throughout Modules."


glossary.pdf (783.48 KB)
glossary.doc (169.5 KB)

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