Applying cost of the diet modelling in Nigeria: a conversation with Masud Rana, Save the Children




In this episode of the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) Podcast, Eilise Brennan and Philip James of ENN talk with nutritionist Masud Rana of Save the Children about cost of the diet modelling and how it was used in Nigeria to develop culturally acceptable recipes from local food items that met the nutritional needs of children aged 6 to 23 months at the lowest possible cost. 

Read the full article: Affordable and nutritious child feeding in Nigeria: Applying Cost of the Diet modelling

Meet the guest: 

Masud Rana

Masud is a Nutrition Advisor at Save the Children, UK. 

Meet the hosts: 

Eilise Brennan

Eilise is a Nutritionist at ENN focusing on the Management of small and nutritionally At-risk Infants under 6 months of age and their mothers (MAMI), Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) and Maternal Nutrition. She is also our regular Field Exchange podcast host.

Philip James

Philip James is a Senior Technical Associate for ENN and since 2003 split his time between humanitarian and academic work in the maternal and child nutrition field with a specialty in maternal and child nutrition and micronutrient deficiencies.