Multi-sector programmes at the sub-national level: A case study of the Seqota Declaration in Naedir Adet and Ebinat woredas in Ethiopia

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Lillian Karanja Odhiambo, Dr Charulatha Banerjee, Natalie Sessions, Jeremy Shoham and Carmel Dolan from ENN and Dr. Sisay Sinamo and the Programme Delivery Unit, Ethiopian Government.
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Multi-sector programmes at the sub-national level: A case study of the Seqota Declaration in Naedir Adet and Ebinat woredas in Ethiopia

This case study features as one of three in a series of case studies documenting multi-sector programming at the sub-national level.

The case study describes sub-national developments in Ethiopia in relation to the Seqota Declaration, a commitment made by the GoE in 2015 to end stunting among children under the age of two by 2030.


To view the one of other two in the series select one of the following:

Multi-sector programmes at the sub-national level: Implementation of the National Plan of Action for Nutrition 2 - A case study in Sunamgunj and Rangpur, Bangladesh

Multi-sector programmes at the sub-national level: A case study of the communes de convergence approach in Maradi, Niger

Front cover of case study titled, "Multi-sector programmes at the sub-national level: A case study of the Seqota Declaration in Naedir Adet and Ebinat woredas in Ethiopia." Image shows a woman feeding a young child.



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