REFANI Study Visit, Islamabad – 27th March-4th April 2015

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Samantha Owen
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Brief overview of the recent visit

As part of ENN’s role as an academic lead in the DFID funded ‘Research on Food Assistance for Nutritional Impact (REFANI) Consortium project, Principal Investigator (PI) Bridget Fenn travelled to Pakistan to conduct her second field visit. This visit was designed to coincide with the busy preparation period before data collection starts in June, as well to support the first site visit by the REFANI Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) Research Officer, Lani Trenouth. The trip was supported in-country by ACF Pakistan.


The report and presentations are attached below.

Research document titled, "REFANI Study Visit, Islamabad – 27th March-4th April 2015 A brief overview of the recent visit."

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