South Sudan Case Study: Overcoming nutrition information challenges

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Ismail A.R Kassim and Isaack Manyama with Qutab Alam, Mabasa Farawo, ENN and the GNC
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This case study is one of six case studies produced through a year-long collaboration in 2015 between ENN and the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) to capture and disseminate knowledge about the Nutrition Cluster experiences of responding to Level 2 and Level 3 emergencies. They each provide very rich insights into the achievements of the cluster approach and the challenges of working in complex environments.

This case study documents how the nutrition information systems in South Sudan, once weak and unreliable, have been transformed into a well-developed system supported by government, donors and Nutrition Cluster (NC) partners. It highlights how increased technical capacity in nutrition and information management within the Cluster Lead Agency (UNICEF) has allowed for the NC to focus on coordination. Integrating nutrition information management capacity into Ministry of Health (MoH) systems remains a work in progress.

Front cover of case study titled, "South Sudan Case Study: Overcoming nutrition information challenges."


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