Operational Guidance on Infant Feeding in Emergencies (OG-IFE) version 3.0 (Oct 2017)
Publication details
The Operational Guidance on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (OG-IFE) was first produced by the Interagency Working Group on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies in 2001. This Working Group included members of the IFE Core Group; an inter-agency collaboration concerned with the development of training materials and related policy guidance on infant and young child feeding in emergencies (IFE/IYCF-E, hereon referred to as IFE).
Version 2.0 was produced in May 2006; version 2.1 in February 2007 (with addendum in 2010); and version 3.0 in October 2017 to reflect operational experiences and needs and guidance updates. Version 3.0 update was undertaken by the IFE Core Group in consultation with international, regional and country informants, co-led by the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) and UNICEF and coordinated by ENN. The IFE Core Group gratefully acknowledges all those who advised on and contributed to this and earlier editions.
Help us track the dissemination of the Operational Guidance on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (OG-IFE)
The dashboard below shows where the OG-IFE (v3) has been disseminated since 2017 thanks to everyone’s input and the GNC’s technical support. If you or your organisation have been engaged in disseminating the document, please tell us how you did it.
This update of the OG-IFE was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
OG-IFE Briefing Slides
These slides summarise key provisions relevant to different sectors/users.
- Adolescent services
- Agriculture
- Cash and social protection
- Child protection
- Disability
- Donors
- Early childhood development
- Food security and livelihoods
- Government
- Health
- Logistics
- Mental health and psychosocial support
- Nutrition cluster coordinators
- Shelter
- Water sanitation and hygiene