Who we are
The Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group is a global collaboration of agencies and individuals that formed in 1999 to address policy guidance and training resource gaps hampering programming on infant and young child feeding support in emergencies.

How we work
IFE Core Group members bring challenges and issues to the collective membership for peer support and guidance. This facilitates rapid application of up-to-date experience in operations and connects on-the-ground experiences with the development of agency and global policy guidance.
The IFE Core Group does not directly implement programmes but rather develops guidance and resource materials, documents lessons learned, and builds capacity for effective infant and young child feeding (IYCF) support in emergency contexts. We support the Global Thematic Working Group on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies as part of the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC).

Membership and governance
Members of the IFE Core Group are comprised of both individuals and agencies. Membership involves:
- Contributing to IFE-Core Group strategy, workplan development and delivery.
- Contributing peer-to-peer support to IFE-Core Group members.
- Sharing and receiving regular updates on ongoing emergencies and upcoming IYCF-E activities, tools and resources.
- Committing to transparency, management and avoidance regarding conflicts of interest.
- Answering questions on the IYCF-E online forum (en-net).
- Participating in IFE-Core Group monthly calls and the annual meeting.
- Contributing to the annual financial budget of the IFE-Core Group and/or providing in-kind support.

Key resources
The IFE Core Group engages in the development of useful resources and publications on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E). Documents consist of the latest guidance on IYCF-E developed to fill identified gaps, reports that document gaps and needs in IYCF-E programming, and other documents and tools useful in advocacy and communication.

Operational Guidance on Infant Feeding in Emergencies (OG-IFE) version 3.0 (Oct 2017)

IYCF-E infographic series

IFE Core Group Strategy 2020-2024
Latest IYCF-E multimedia

A Conversation with UNICEF Bangladesh Nutrition team

Special series on complementary feeding: A conversation with Aashima Garg
The IFE Core Group is funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland and UNICEF.
We are coordinated by the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN).
To contact us, please email: ife@ennonline.net
Find out more about IFE Core Group