MAMI Care Pathway Package, Version 3 (2021)

Publication details

MAMI Global Network, ENN, LSHTM
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Dossier disponible en français

Other translations of the MAMI Care Pathway available

The MAMI Care Pathway Package provides practitioners with a resource to screen, assess, and manage small and nutritionally at risk infants under six months and their mothers (MAMI).

The aim of the MAMI Care Pathway Package is to help put the latest WHO technical guidance into practice. It was developed as a first step to help fill a gap in programming guidance. The MAMI Care Pathway draws upon and complements existing national and international guidance and protocols. It is modelled on the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) approach. 

Version 1.0 of the C-MAMI Tool was produced in 2015 and updated to Version 2.0 in 2018. Version 3 is now available. It has been updated from the 2018 version through stakeholder consultation, literature reviews, and based on learnings of previous implementation experiences.   

Development of the MAMI Care Pathway Package was funded by the Eleanor Crook Foundation, Irish Aid and the Waterloo Foundation.

Suggested citation: MAMI Global Network, ENN, LSHTM. MAMI Care Pathway Package. v3. 2021. 

The MAMI Care Pathway Package comprises:

These documents are included in the MAMI Care Pathway Package but also available to download as stand-alone documents:

MAMI Care Pathway user guides:

MAMI health worker support materials:

Available as stand-alone documents only:

Materials to support adaptation/integration of the MAMI Care Pathway:

Share your experience with the MAMI Care Pathway

The MAMI Care Pathway Package may require adaptation, development of programme-specific materials, and different levels of training for implementation. Please share with us your experiences using the MAMI Care Pathway Package by filling in this brief feedback form. We'll use your feedback to shape future versions of the MAMI Care Pathway Package.  

The MAMI Care Pathway Package is currently available in English. Editable versions of some health worker materials are available upon request in MS Word format (please contact

Video overview of the MAMI Care Pathway Package

This video gives an overview of the MAMI Care Pathway Package. For more details on the contents of the package, watch this video on the MAMI Global Network Youtube channel..

Front cover of the MAMI Care Pathway Package document

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