
This is a package of resources to help in orientation on infant and young child feeding in emergencies (IFE). These resources are targeted at emergency relief staff, programme managers, and technical staff involved in planning and responding to emergencies, at national and international level.

This IFE Orientation Package is an update of Module 1 on IFE (essential orientation), a print content first produced in 2001. The updated content has been developed by ENN, IFE Core Group members, and collaborators.

Development of version 2.0 (2009) was funded by the UNICEF-led IASC Nutrition Cluster. Verson 2.1 (2010) was updated by the ENN to reflect Sphere 2011 (in print) and the latest WHO guidance on infant feeding and HIV (2010).

Project summary

The IFE Orientation Package includes a set of e-learning lessons, training resources, technical notes, key resources and an evaluation guide.

Project details

2001 - 2011

Donors: Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Nutrition Cluster

ENN Project Lead: Marie McGrath 

Collaborators: Emergency Nutrition Network and IFE Core Group